WTIA and Medsis partner for Argentinian trade union program

After the announcement of the newly formed partnership, World Token Issuing Alliance (WTIA) and MEDSiS International, (a U.S. based identity management and financial services company) recently they have come to a deeper agreement and the support of the MEDSiS held contract in Argentina and beyond. With MEDSiS’ expertise in the Latin American region, the partnership with WTIA will not only launch the program, but bring the MEDSiS “Maxwell” Stablecoin to market with the support of the local government and entities.
The Argentinian Trade Union, SUPOFEPRA, is the first program of its kind in Latin America (LATAM) which would not only use technology to manage the union population, but do so by allowing a stablecoin to support the back-end of the financial inclusion and payments platform. After identifying, registering, and banking the members of SUPOFEPRA, the addition of “Maxwell” will allow members to make and receive payments, as well as store wealth while in a stable system that eliminates the volatility in the local fiat market with the Argentinian Peso.
“Maxwell is key to the SUPOFEPRA project. It will help stabilize the unbanked and add jobs and opportunities to new populations like never before.” Stated, Joshua Dax Cabrera, CEO of MEDSiS He adds, “Maxwell” will be one of the first cryptocurrency stablecoins to be used in multi-country government programs, giving access to every user to take advantage of participating in the global economy. On the back-end, multi-country and multi-currency financial payments platform developed by RijndlPay, users will be able to build wealth and maximize the benefits of a blockchain hybrid banking system unlike anything in the market today.With more than 20M individuals, ‘Maxwell’ immediately becomes one of the largest cryptocurrencies in use, this makes our investment decision and entry into LATAM very attractive.”
Chairman Keun-Young Kim of WTIA Co., added, “MEDSiS and WTIA will launch “Maxwell” in Latin America for the users of the existing financial inclusion contracts and use the model as an example for MEDSiS’ contracts around the globe. With more than 20 million individuals already under contract to come online, “Maxwell” will immediately become one of the largest cryptocurrencies in use. The investment into the Argentina program also will bring MEDSiS to a new phase as a unicorn company as a planned STO event is currently being scheduled for December of 2019 ahead of the “Maxwell” launch to the consumer market in early 2020. Details of the larger agreement between MEDSiS and WTIA are not being made public at this time, although both companies have agreed to be able to share the timing and specifics of the agreement internally as the partnership proceeds forward.