University blockchain experiment aims for top marks

Students are busy requesting official university approved stamps on documents like transcripts and degrees, and this is often a complicated process that can take weeks to get documents stamped.
A blockchain experiment at the University of Dubai is digitizing certificates, speeding up administration and reducing academic fraud. Blockchain provides each student with his own unique digital academic passport which will contain his/her stamped and attested documents in a digital format. It will then be placed on the Blockchain, which uses mapping and cryptography to create a secure, open and decentralized database.
Educhain which launched this platform in Dubai, believes that it will reduce costs, processing time, eradicate academic fraud and offer students global mobility.
In fact, duchain is a Blockchain company that enables institutions, governments and corporates to issue and authenticate secure digital documents by interfacing with a Blockchain infrastructure.
Mark Balovnev, Co-founder & CEO of Educhain explained that his platform puts power in the hands of students. He added “I now have one digital document, which I can share infinitely for a variety of opportunities. Once I have it in my digital academic passport, I can choose how to share it, with whom to share it and use whatever medium I like.”
For more details, watch CNN’s video on University of Dubai’s experiment on