Crypto Exchanges

Binance Surpasses 200M Users and $1B in Assets, A Milestone in Crypto Evolution

Giant cryptocurrency exchange, Binance, has recently achieved a remarkable milestone, boasting over 200 million users and safeguarding assets worth more than $100 billion.

This achievement marks a major leap from its user base of approximately 130 million as recently as 2022. In 2023 alone, Binance welcomed 40 million new users, bringing its total count to 170 million. Fast forward to mid-2024, and the platform has already added at least another 30 million users, demonstrating its accelerated growth trajectory.

This surge in users aligns with the broader trend in the cryptocurrency industry, as highlighted by research from Triple-A. In fact, the global cryptocurrency consumer installation base surged to 562 million people in 2024, a notable increase of 142 million over the previous year’s 420 million users. Impressively, Binance users now constitute approximately 36% of the global cryptocurrency user base.

Binance’s achievement of reaching 200 million users coincides with another significant record in the cryptocurrency industry. Earlier this year, the platform surpassed $100 billion in user assets under custody, averaging around $500 worth of assets in custody per user.

Despite encountering legal challenges, including the sentencing of founder and former CEO CZ on fraud charges, Binance has navigated these issues with resilience.

CZ, currently serving a four-month sentence in a minimum-security facility in California, has expressed remorse for his actions, and the company appears to have weathered these legal challenges relatively unscathed.

As Binance continues to expand its user base and solidify its position as a leading cryptocurrency exchange, its achievement of 200 million users highlights its role in shaping the future of the digital age.

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