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Celebrating Success: Unlock Blockchain Announces Top 20 Performing CEOs in MENA’s Blockchain and Crypto Space

At Unlock Blockchain, we believe it’s our duty to shine a spotlight on the visionary CEOs and executives driving innovation in the blockchain and cryptocurrency space. That’s why we entrusted the entire process of selecting the Top 20 Performing CEOs in MENA’s Blockchain and Crypto Space to the community – from nominations to voting. We deliberately refrained from extensive promotion to ensure fairness, giving each candidate an equal opportunity to rally their supporters.

Congratulations to the Winners!

We extend our heartfelt congratulations to the winners of the Top 20 Performing CEOs in MENA’s Blockchain and Crypto Space 2023. Your dedication, leadership, and contributions to the industry are exemplary. As you continue to lead and inspire, we wish you continued success in shaping the future of blockchain and crypto in the MENA region.

A Word for All Nominees

To all the nominees who didn’t make it to the top 20, your nomination itself is a significant achievement. While some may not have garnered enough votes, it doesn’t diminish the impact of your work or your potential to make a difference in the industry. Keep pushing boundaries, innovating, and striving for excellence. The growth of the blockchain and crypto space in MENA is undeniable, and each of you plays a vital role in shaping its trajectory.

Looking Ahead

As we reflect on this year’s list of top-performing CEOs, we’re filled with optimism for the future. The MENA region is poised for exponential growth in the blockchain and crypto sector. Our goal is to see this list expand in the coming years, perhaps even featuring the top 20 blockchain and crypto unicorns—all originating from this region. With favorable regulatory environments, ample capital, robust infrastructure, and a steady influx of talent, there’s no excuse for anything less.

Embrace the Future

We urge everyone in the blockchain and crypto community to remain hopeful and proactive. Let’s seize the opportunities before us, driven by innovation, security, and conducive tax regimes. Together, let’s continue to push the boundaries of what’s possible, creating a brighter, more decentralized future for all.

Thank you to everyone who participated in this year’s initiative. Your support and engagement are instrumental in fostering a thriving blockchain ecosystem in MENA.

To see the full list of winners, please visit WINNERS.

Here’s to a future filled with limitless possibilities.

Walid Abou Zaki

Walid is is the founder of Unlock Blockchain, a prominent resource for blockchain and cryptocurrency news. With a career spanning over two decades in the media sector, he has been at the forefront of emerging technologies and digital transformation. Since 2017, Walid has focused his expertise on the blockchain and crypto space, becoming recognized as one of the leading opinion influencers in the MENA region

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